Oneiric Celephais - The Obscure Sibyl (Digipak CD)

Oneiric Celephais - The Obscure Sibyl (Digipak CD)

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Debut EP by technical death quartet, ONEIRIC CELEPHAÏS. Influenced by acts such as DEATH, OBSCURA, SPAWN OF POSSESSION, and more, ONEIRIC CELEPHAÏS seeks to add a new nail to the technical / melo-death coffin. Their debut EP, The Obscure Sibyl, offers four atmospherically vicious tracks, within a 25-minute-long journey inspired by HP Lovecraft and Norse poetry. Featuring album art by Vladimir Chebakov (HIDEOUS DIVINITY, KATALEPSY, VELD), The Obscure Sibyl was recorded in Void Studion by Leonardo Bellavista (VEXOVOID, COEXISTENCE and BURIAL), and mix / mastered by Francesco Paoli / Francesco Ferrini (FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE) and Marco Mastrobuono (HOUR OF PENANCE).


Track listing

  1. The Eldritch Dark
  2. The Aeon of Death
  3. From Beyond
  4. Völuspá