Acceptus Noctifer - Amores de Oficio (CD)

Acceptus Noctifer - Amores de Oficio (CD)

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The debut full length of a finest Lusitanian black metal act ACCEPTUS NOCTIFER. 9 tracks, 42 minutes of pure amazing underground black metal that shows total dedication to the sombre side of life.


Track listing

  1. Sonhos de Cadáver
  2. Vícios de Covil
  3. O Estertor Mortal
  4. Bacantes de Nobres Vícios
  5. Rio de Moinhos
  6. Veneno que me Bebe
  7. Seja Essa a tua Sede...
  8. Funérea Madrugada
  9. Canteiro de Ossos


The style is sheer black metal, nothing more and nothing less, with a clear but bloody meat production. The guitars are carnal and well balanced with Sataere's morbid vocals, and the drum machine is just far enough back that it won't distract you too much. - 4/5