I Am the Night - While the Gods are Sleeping (CD)

I Am the Night - While the Gods are Sleeping (CD)

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Rising from the deep valleys of Kymi in southernmost Finland, I AM THE NIGHT is black metal rooted in the classic early 90s tradition, where walls of guitars and synthesizers raise the forces of darkness in a battle against the heavens and burning angels light up the night sky.
Brought forth by underground titans of Finnish metal, Markus Vanhala (INSOMNIUM, OMNIUM GATHERUM), Janne Markkanen (ex-OMNIUM GATHERUM), Okko Solanterä (HORIZON IGNITED) and Waltteri Väyrynen (PARADISE LOST, BODOM AFTER MIDNIGHT), the band's origins date back to the dimly lit subterranean rehearsal rooms of the mid-nineties where the fires of Vanhala and Markkanen's black metal zeal were ignited.


Track listing

  1. While the Gods Are Sleeping...
  2. Hear Me O' Unmaker
  3. Dawnbearer
  4. Ode to the Nightsky
  5. I Am the Night
  6. The Owl
  7. Among the Unseen Ones
  8. Holocaust of the Angels