Thecodontion / Vessel of Iniquity - The Permian / Triassic Extinction Event (Digipak CD)

Thecodontion / Vessel of Iniquity - The Permian / Triassic Extinction Event (Digipak CD)

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THECODONTION and VESSEL OF INIQUITY join forces in a conceptual split release to tell us about the titular Permian-Triassic extinction event (commonly known as "The Great Dying"), and life emerging anew afterwards. It occurred approximately 251 million years ago and it was Earth's most severe extinction event, during which almost all of the marine species, terrestrial vertebrates and insects became extinct. Theories for its cause range from meteor impacts, volcanic eruptions and climate change, and calamitous occurrences such as basalt volcanic eruptions and ocean acidification are beautifully depicted with abstract forms on the cover artwork, courtesy of Italian artist STRX.


Track listing

  1. Thecodontion - Thecodontosaurus antiquus (The Epitome of Dinosauria)
  2. Thecodontion - Procompsognathus triassicus (Death, Asymmetric and Grotesque)
  3. Vessel of Iniquity - The Great Dying